The most commonly used are marigold, oregano, basil, and rosemary, motherwort, St. John’s wort, chamomile, damiana, red clover, dandelion, yellow dock, squaw vine, horsetail, Mexican wormseed (epazote). Collect your plants using prayer and intention of healing. If using fresh plant: about 1 quart, if using dry: about a cup.
In a large pot of hot water (a small rice cooker works nicely too) place the above plants. Crush the herbs into the water, offering gratitude for the plants in their healing work.Bring this to a soft boil for 10 minutes, steep for 5 minutes with the lid on.Place the pot/rice cooker under a slatted chair, lawn chair, etc (you can also squat with or without a wall as support) without underwear.
Wear socks to keep your feet warm, Drape fully with a blanket around your waist to the floor. Be careful not to allow any draft underneath you. Be sure you are enclosed by the blanket from the waist down, something warm from the waist up too.
Sitting quietly over your pot of herbal steam for 20 minutes, meditate, read, enjoy and take pleasure in the herbal healing. Be careful not to burn yourself. The heat should feel pleasant. If it is too warm, remove the post for a few minutes. Rest quietly after the herbal steam bath in a warm room free of drafts, open windows, or air conditioner.
After 20 minutes of rest (or more if needed) you may get up, dress warmly, being careful for the next 24 hours to protect your entire body from cold drafts, keep warm and avoid any sudden temperature changes.
Expect changes in your vaginal discharge and menstruation, these are normal cleansing reactions. Inform your practitioner if you have any unusual discharge or response to this treatment.
(in St. Michael’s Center)