Let’s face it. While Western Medicine has made great strides in care over the last century it’s limitations lie in not recognizing and incorporating the common-sensicalness of Ancient Wisdom nor the impact of modern-day toxins that this last century’s ‘Age of Industrialism’ has reigned down upon us.
This system of high-tech, low-touch, treat-the-symtoms-not-the-root-cause approach has brought many consumers to question it’s overall long-term effectiveness in elevating and maintaining our quality of life.
Over the years my studies have led me in the direction of Mayan, Chinese, and Ayurvedic Medicine– all of which utilize a holistic model of care that involves building a foundation of health as opposed to the Western Medicine’s ‘symptom management/sickness care’ model.
I’m here. Let’s get you on the books and let me bring my SuperStar work to the table… to give you some freedom from stress, pain, and ‘dis-ease’ (inbalance) in the body.
(in St. Michael’s Center)