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Better Birth FAQ

A: Hidden Gem builds upon the understandings of popular natural childbirth education programs such as Bradley, Hypnobirthing, and Birthing from Within but with a very important added element no other natural childbirth education offers up: the health and position of the uterus in relation to muscle balance, pelvic structure, and baby positioningReid utilizes her extensive background as a natural childbirth educator and advocate combined with her understanding of role the uterus plays in allowing the baby to get into what is known as Optimal Fetal Position.Her extensive studies in The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy have provided a the last puzzle piece needed for couples to significantly lower their risk of birth interventions and surgical birth.
A: To be born, a baby rotates and descends through the pelvis. … To be in this position, baby needs to be head down, with his back on the left side of the front of the mother’s tummy. His face is pointing midway between mother’s right hip and spine.There are a number of reasons why baby might not be able to get into optimal fetal position including uterine position, spinal abnormalities of the mother, umbilical cord, and the position of the placenta.While we have little control over the last 3 above, the tools for uterine position assessment and re-positioning is something every mother-to-be should have at her disposal to help keep the uterus healthy and aligned.Making use of The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy both in the pre-conception phase as well as the last two trimesters has a tremendous impact on both the comfort of mom-to-be, baby positioning and ease of childbirth labor.
A: According to ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists) in a first pregnancy, labor usually lasts 12 to 18 hours on average; subsequent labors are often shorter, averaging 6 to 8 hours.Laboring women and their birth support team members report that after the 12 hour mark typical Western-trained hospital staff will oftentimes start to put pressure on for women to give way to interventions, which can have a Cascade of Intervention effect putting couples at risk for unneccesary c-section.The best preventative measure for this lie in:- childbirth education (independent of the hospital setting) – careful birth planning – thoughtful choice of birth setting – trained birth support team members – a well-positioned uterusArvigo practitioners around the word report that first-time moms are having an average of 6-8 hour labors when utilizing these important tools throughout their pregnancies which is unheard of by Western Medicine standards.
A: There are 3 Care Packages (a 3 Session, 6 Session, and 10 Session).Included in each are: – Hands-on Specialized Massage combined with Childbirth Education for couples – Self Care Massage Instruction for in between Sessions – Healthy Pregnancy and Labor Tips Handbook – Birth Plan Coaching – Birth Plan Worksheet
A: Yes. With high risk pregnancy it is always advisable to inform your doctor of your desire for massage work and ask if there are any need for concern.
A: Mayan Abdominal Therapy is an ancient time-tested practice from Central America that is still practiced and taught today by the Traditional Healer elders. I’ll let you get introduced to her and her work through her website:

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