Become the Mother You Were Meant to Be! We Can Help.

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Birth Recovery

Birth is hard work and takes a toll on our bodies….whether it be birth via vaginal birth or via c-section.    The uterus is involuting down to its normal size and if left unchecked can settle into a tilted position- which can be a root cause for menstrual health, hormone imbalance and fertility issues down the road.    

And of course when we have the additional stress of c-section, a major abdominal surgery, it can set the body up for a host of other issues such as back or hip pain, urinary or digestive health issues or even more serious issues (there aren’t many longitudinal studies out there on the long-term impact of c-sections).             

Mayan Abdominal Therapy coupled with both ancient and modern bodywork therapies can make a HUGE difference and potentially save you years of pain and suffering down the road.   

NOTE:  Moms with newborns or toddlers need this work… if anything for the stress relief alone!   While ideal to have a break for this important self care of course most moms with little ones may be unable or hesitant to get a sitter during that important first year. That’s more then okay! Moms are encouraged to bring their babes with them to their hands-on session. They can nap, nurse, or play nearby (or even help!) so that mom can take care of herself and not have to worry. The perfect solution when trying to figure out how to heal your body and  ‘drink as you pour’ taking care of your little ones!

Time for some Birth Recovery Work!

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Birth Recovery


Birth Recovery /Full Body


Birth Recovery/Full Body

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